Quintessence Anx
Special guest
Quintessence Anx is a Developer Advocate at Logz.io, one of the leaders and founders for Inclusive Tech Buffalo, and one of the founding organizers for DevOpsDays Buffalo which kicks off this year! She enjoys helping people launch careers in IT / SRE or adjacent specialities. Please feel free to reach out to her on Twitter @QuintessenceAnx.
Quintessence Anx has been a guest on 1 episode.
Lessons Learned while Organizing Tech Events (Ep 33)
March 12th, 2019 | 47 mins 2 secs
In this episode, our hosts are joined by Aaron Aldrich and Quintessence Anx, both of whom are Developer Advocates who also have experience organizing community events. Together, they discuss the challenges, lessons learned, and tips for organizing events for a technical audience