Emily Freeman
Special guest
After many years of ghostwriting, Emily Freeman made the bold (insane?!) choice to switch careers into software engineering. Emily is the author of DevOps for Dummies (April 2019) and the curator of JavaScript January — a collection of JavaScript articles which attracts 30,000 visitors in the month of January. A former VP of Developer Relations, Emily is a CloudOps Advocate at Microsoft and lives in Denver, Colorado
Emily Freeman has been a guest on 2 episodes.
Twitter: Friend or Foe (Ep 30)
November 30th, 2018 | 48 mins 17 secs
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn...these are all major parts of what we use everyday to stay in touch with the communities we are involved in, personally and professionally. What happens though when those lines blur? When something you say from your personal life gets picked up by people involved in your professional life? Is it all worthwhile? Jason and PJ sit down with Emily Freeman and Harper Reed to discuss the pros, the cons, and few side tracks along the way.
Breaking into DevRel (Ep 21)
February 9th, 2018 | 41 mins 53 secs
What is Developer Relations, Anyway?