Audience Segmentation: Why finding your core community is an integral piece of a successful devrel strategy (Ep 41)

October 18th, 2019 · 47 mins 27 secs

About this Episode


Mary Thengvall

  • Prusa i3 MK3 kit 3D Printer
  • A reminder to make time for yourself. For me, that’s been waking up 20-30m early (when I can convince myself to do so!) and reading while drinking my coffee instead of being on my phone or computer right after waking up. Taking a moment to breathe & start the day off right.

SJ Morris

  • Currently reading Jia Tolentino’s Trick Mirror: a collection of essays from one of my fave journalists (on the New Yorker staff, formerly of Jezebel), on navigating our senses of self online, offline and through a feminist lens in this surreal global political moment.

Jesse Davis

  • As an outdoor enthusiast and a father of 3 boys, I’ve recently become fascinated with the idea of Nature Deficit Disorder. The idea that as our society becomes more connected we lose touch with those things that we need most of all: fresh air, peace and quiet, and uninterrupted connection with other humans in a natural setting. I’m working on ways to build that within my tightest community, my wife and kids, by doing more hiking, fishing, and campfire time.

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